Steinlager 2

Kristin students have the opportunity in their option choices to take Sports Studies in Year 9, 10 and 11. Sports Studies offers an exciting cutting-edge learning experience using sport in society as a basis for key outcomes, including critical thinking and problem solving. Activities and adventures are tailored to each year group, and provide opportunities to work with our Kindergarten students, to work on Diversity, and participate in a Careers Day experience. 

One of the highlights of the Year 10 Sports Studies experience is an overnight sailing trip on Steinlager 2 and Lion NZ. This trip creates a strong link between our curriculum and the community. Sir Peter Blake was an inspirational leader of our time and the New Zealand Sailing Trust continues this legacy by teaching our students about the history behind the man and the boats he sailed. Sir Peter's environmental links as well as sporting links provide an excellent platform for learning about leadership in Sports Studies. A study of the Hauraki Gulf Marine environment is very much a part of this experience. This opportunity is a very hands-on one where students will be tested physically and mentally on the very boats that Sir Peter sailed.

The students often regard this trip as one of the biggest highlights of their time at Kristin. They enjoy the challenge of sailing these huge round-the-world yachts in the beautiful Hauraki Gulf and learning about the local marine environment.

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