Senior School (Year 11-13)

Setting the standard in academic excellence is a hallmark of Kristin Senior School. We have some of New Zealand's finest teachers to guide students through their senior studies, and the success of our students speaks volumes.
Kristin offers a Dual Academic Pathway in the Senior School, which allows students to choose between the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme or NCEA Level 2 & 3 in Year 12 and 13. As the first school in New Zealand to introduce the IB Diploma Programme, Kristin has over 30 years experience in offering this globally recognised qualification.


Senior School Principal
MBA, Bsc (Hons), PGCE MIBiol CBiol

Year 11-13

On average, approximately 77% of the NCEA certificates awarded to Kristin students over all three year levels are endorsed with Merit or Excellence, and in the IB Diploma Programme our students regularly achieve a score of 40+, placing them in the top 6% worldwide.

Consistently in recent years Kristin students have gone on to achieve the highest score of 45 in the Diploma Programme, something unmatched by any other New Zealand IB World School.

While academic success can open doors, there is a whole lot more that builds strong and successful students. Which is why we offer a wealth of opportunities to challenge pupils and grow their knowledge and confidence, through experiential learning, overseas experience, performing arts, and service.

Our foundations for learning in Kristin Senior School

A very personal approach, each student working alongside their Dean to plan their senior learning and tertiary goals

Rigorous academic programmes and clear expectations set for students

A culture of self-confidence, high personal standards and personal accountability

The opportunity to practise leadership, serving others as they lead

A firm belief in our responsibility to provide Kaitaikitanga for both our students cultural heritage and the heritage of our school

Smaller class sizes giving students the ability to question and find the understanding they need

Kristin's bespoke Year 11 courses are designed to specifically prepare students for success in our dual qualification pathways, which begin in Year 12. On entering Year 12, students choose to study towards NCEA Level 2 and 3, or begin the two-year International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. 


NCEA and IB Diploma Programme are both challenging qualifications. The dual pathways provide the opportunity for students to take greater control of their learning, allow them to choose an academic format to suit their learning style, select appropriate courses of study and to customise their qualification towards their tertiary goals.

  • Approximately 60% of Year 12 and 13 students at Kristin elect to follow the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme
  • The remaining students pursue their Level 2 and 3 NCEA certificates, with many students choosing to enter scholarship examinations
  • This Dual Pathway is reflected in the Senior School's academic awards with an NCEA and IB Dux award being awarded to the top students in each qualification


NCEA and IB Diploma Programme are both challenging qualifications. The dual pathways provide the opportunity for students to take greater control of their learning, allow them to choose an academic format to suit their learning style, select appropriate courses of study and to customise their qualification towards their tertiary goals.

  • Approximately 60% of Year 12 and 13 students at Kristin elect to follow the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme
  • The remaining students pursue their Level 2 and 3 NCEA certificates, with many students choosing to enter scholarship examinations
  • This Dual Pathway is reflected in the Senior School's academic awards with an NCEA and IB Dux award being awarded to the top students in each qualification

Year 11 provides a robust course of study to prepare students for the rigours of Year 12, either in the IB Diploma Programme or NCEA Level 2.

Physical Education/Health/Learning for Life

Visual & Performing Arts

  • Dance
  • Drama
  • Music
  • Visual Art

Technology & Design

  • Digital Technology
  • Design
  • Engineering Design
  • Food and Nutrition

Humanities & Commerce

  • Business Studies
  • Economics
  • Geography
  • History


  • Chinese
  • French
  • Spanish
  • English Language Acquisition

Health and Physical Wellbeing

  • Sports Studies


  • Media Studies

Students entering Year 12 choose either NCEA, primarily at Level 2, or the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme.

A Guaranteed Entry Requirement is set for each course. Students who meet or exceed this can reasonably be expected to succeed in the course and will gain automatic entry. Students who do not meet the Guaranteed Entry Requirement may be granted entry, following discussion, at the discretion of the Curriculum Leader.

It is school policy for all students in Year 12 to take six subjects, including English and Physical Education and Learning for Life for NCEA students. NCEA LEVEL 2 Students work towards gaining the NCEA Level 2 Certificate. To do so they must accumulate 80 credits, of which 60 must be at Level 2 or higher. Students intending to continue into Year 13 must ensure that their choice of subjects at Year 12 will lead to a valid course of study at that level.


  • English
  • Physical Education/Health/Learning for Life


Visual & Performing Arts

  • Art
  • Dance
  • Drama
  • Music
  • Photography

Humanities & Commerce

  • Business Studies
  • Classical Studies
  • Economics
  • Geography
  • History
  • Psychology

Technology & Design

  • Spatial Design
  • Digital Technology
  • Engineering
  • Design
  • Food and Nutrition


  • Chinese
  • French
  • Spanish
  • English Language Acquisition


  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Environmental Science


  • Mathematics
  • Mathematics (Applied)

Health & Physical Wellbeing

  • Health
  • Outdoor Education
  • Physical Education


  • Media Studies

The IB Diploma programme is available to all students entering Year 12 at Kristin providing they have met the relevant subject entry criteria. It is not a programme that is limited to the academic elite – most students at Kristin have the ability to gain the Diploma.

Strong IB candidates are those who are highly motivated with above-average ability across a range of subjects and able to develop the skills to organise and manage their time effectively.

The Diploma Programme aims to equip students with:

  • Critical thinking and reflective skills
  • Research skills
  • The ability to learn independently
  • Intercultural understanding and respect Whilst providing students with:
  • A broad and balanced, academically
  • A globally recognised university demanding, programme of study entrance qualification


IB subjects are categorised into six groups covering the major fields of knowledge. These groupings are described on the following pages. Students select one subject from each of Groups 1 to 5. The sixth subject may come from Group 6 or be another chosen from Groups 1 to 4. Where a student’s planned tertiary course requires a particular combination of subjects, dispensation may be granted by IB for the student to complete a non-regular diploma course.

Three subjects are studied at standard level (SL) and three in more breadth or depth at higher level (HL). Most subjects are available at Kristin at both levels although it is important to refer to the course information which follows to ensure a viable course is selected. Students consider their choices for higher and standard subjects on entering Year 12 and confirm these in Term 4 of Year 12.


In addition to their chosen subjects, IB Diploma students complete the following three core requirements which are integral to the programme’s philosophy and develop important study and personal skills:

  • The Theory of Knowledge course encourages students to consider how knowledge is created and to reflect on the process of learning in the subjects they study as part of their Diploma programme. Students learn to analyse knowledge in a critical manner using diverse ways of knowing and by considering what constitutes knowledge in particular areas of knowledge, science, history, maths and art. Towards the end of the first year of the course there is an assessment, The Exhibition, in which students choose three objects to showcase how Theory of Knowledge manifests in the real world. In the second year, students complete an externally assessed essay on a prescribed title.
  • The Extended Essay, a 4,000-word research paper on a topic of the student’s choosing, produced under the guidance of a supervisor. In Year 12, students are counselled on their choice of topic and supervisor and given advice on the techniques of researching and essay writing. Extended essays are graded by external examiners.
  • CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service). IB students are involved in a comprehensive range of service, creative and active pursuits outside of the classroom, many of which contribute to their CAS experience. CAS involves real, purposeful activities which provide a degree of personal challenge and lead to significant outcomes. Students are encouraged to give thoughtful consideration to planning and reviewing their CAS programme and to reflect on the outcomes and the personal learning involved.


At least 50% of the assessment in each subject is external, including examinations in November of Year 13. All subjects also include a component of internally assessed course work, samples of which are sent for external moderation. In each subject a candidate is graded from 7 (excellent) to 1 (very poor). In addition to this, up to three points are awarded for performance in the extended essay and ToK. In order to qualify for the Diploma, a candidate must complete all the requirements above and have an aggregate of at least 24 points out of the possible 45. Students are expected to adhere to the school’s ‘Academic Integrity Policy’ and the ‘Senior School Assessment Procedures - IB’ when preparing work for assessment. These documents are issued and reviewed with students early in Term 1.


$675 per year of the programme to offset the cost of examination registration fees

Studies in Language & Literature

  • Chinese A Language & Literature
  • English A Language & Literature
  • English A Literature
  • Korean A Literature

Individuals & Societies

  • Business Management
  • Economics
  • Environmental Systems & Societies (SL)
  • Geography
  • History
  • Psychology

Experimental Sciences

  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Environmental Systems & Societies (SL)
  • Sports

Language Acquisition

  • Mandarin B
  • English B
  • French B
  • French ab initio (SL)
  • Spanish ab initio (SL)
  • Spanish B


  • Maths – Analysis and Approaches
  • Maths – Application & Interpretation (SL)

The Arts

  • Dance
  • Music
  • Theatre Arts
  • Visual Arts


Our innovative Kristin Futures model supports students as they prepare for their future.

As an important part of the Senior School experience, every Senior School student takes part in a number of one-on-one academic mentoring sessions with their Dean. The purpose of the mentoring sessions is to help each student plan their academic pathway through the Senior School in a way that prepares them effectively for their future.

During the academic mentoring sessions, students work with their Dean to develop a personalised academic plan tailored to their level of learning, skills and aspirations. These sessions focus on academic goal setting as well as identifying strategies to help students achieve them.


Early Childhood Education


Early Childhood Education


Year 7-10


Step inside our gates and see for yourself what makes Kristin so unique. We invite you to take a tour and observe a typical school day. Take the opportunity to engage personally with student guides and staff.