Our Selection Process

All vacancies will be advertised on our website, along with other relevant sites like Ed Gazette, IB Australasia, ISNZ and SEEK.

Applications are made online through our job board, and require a cover letter, CV and online application form to be completed.

All applications with a completed application form will be acknowledged and reviewed. Once reviewed, shortlisted candidates will be contacted for a phone or face to face interview. Unsuccessful applicants will receive an email notification.

Our interview process includes a panel interview to find out more about your experience and background and gives you an insight into our team and the role you’ve applied for. At this interview you will be asked about your strengths from an online survey completed prior to interviewing.

If you are applying for a teacher position, you may be asked to teach a class if shortlisted from the the interview process. At this stage you’ll also have a chance for an informal chat with other staff members you would be working with.

After successful reference checks have been completed and offer being made, an offer pack will be sent out as quickly as possible.

We are very proud of our acceptance rate and offer a comprehensive induction programme for all new staff. A welcome gift when starting is all part of becoming part of our welcoming community.


See what opportunities await you at Kristin for you to join our team.