
14 Years at Kristin, a parent perspective by Dee Bailey

In July 2010, we walked through the Kristin School gates as parents of a new Kristin Kindy Kid. This was the beginning of an exciting adventure and learning pathway ahead for our son, Harry. In November 2024, we walked through those same Kristin School gates as parents of a graduating Kristin Kindy kid; this time, he heads out from this nurturing and influential environment and embarks on another exciting new adventure and learning pathway ahead. We have had the luxury and benefit of 14 years at a school that fulfils more than just educational learning. He benefits from an environment that has fostered personal growth and development, encouraged ‘give it a go’ participation, nurtured commitment and positive engagement and given him the confidence to be a risk taker, right from Kristin Kindy all the way through to Senior School.


Kristin provides the most wonderful opportunities for our students and parents alike. As a working and travelling Mum in his Junior School years, my involvement with Kristin Family and Friends (KFF) was limited, and I knew that there were incredible parents who were able to provide support and networking to the Kristin community that I was unable to.


In his Middle School years, I was able to give back to that community and my foray into KFF started with the infamous Kristin Secondhand Uniform sales in Week 0. I have been a Parent Liaison, Sports Manager, sausage sizzler, van driver, ski slope volunteer, coffee and tea maker, class formal and Christmas tree decorator, reader-writer, welcome to Kristin caller, morning tea host, and, for the past few years,

Senior School Deputy Chair.


Whilst those tasks count many, the time and effort spent was nothing in the greater scheme of things and the parents that I have connected with through Kristin and KFF have been like-minded and value-driven people who share the common belief of making sure our students become positive community citizens and leaders, contributing to a greater Aotearoa. We have made lifetime friends through our Kristin community, teachers and parents alike, and for you, it can be as much or as little as you choose.


As we leave the packed lunches, school uniforms, early morning sports trainings, homework prodding, school drop-offs-and-pickups behind us, we are extremely proud of our Kristin community, the student it has nurtured and the young man we collectively send out into the world.


If you haven’t experienced a Senior School Graduation Walk, make sure you take the time to come along one year. It is a moment to celebrate the achievements and commitments of many, and most importantly, our students who have given their best selves.


E te whānau hui

Whāia te mātauranga kia mārama

Kia whae take ngā mahi katoa

Tū māia, tū kaha

Aroha atu, aroha mai

Tātou i a tātou katoa

Haumi ē! Hui ē! Taiki ē!

For this gathering of family,

Pursue knowledge for understanding,

Have purpose in all that you do,

Stand tall, be strong,

Let us show love for each other,

Together, united, we affirm!


Dee Bailey